Saturday, March 13, 2010

Conference Program

The program for "New Worlds: Cross-Cultural Exchange East and West" is now available! Remember to register for the conference as soon as possible.

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Tawes Hall
Room 1100
University of Maryland, College Park

8:30-9:00AM - Registration

9:00- 10:15AM - Panel 1: Westward Ho! The New Worlds of the Americas

Moderator: Ralph Bauer (University of Maryland)

∙ Chris Cerone (University of Dayton) "Us and Them: Representations of “Otherness” in Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko" (Abstract)

∙ Maggie Fromm (University of Maryland) "Theological Ethnologies: The Implications of José de Acosta’s Biblical Comparisons in Part Three of Historia Natural" (Abstract)

∙ Jasmine Lellock (University of Maryland) “Cultivating a Creole Identity in James Grainger’s The Sugar Cane(Abstract)

10:30-11:45AM - Panel 2: Exchanges East and West

Moderator: Joel Slotkin (Towson University)

∙ Jennifer Wood "Eastern and Western Sonic New Worlds of The Tempest" (Abstract)

∙ Jaecheol Kim (SUNY Buffalo) "Alchemy and Negotiating the Orient: Cultural Geographies in Jonson’s The Alchemist" (Abstract)

∙ Jessica Frazier (The George Washington University) "Love Loss for the Lovelockes: The Queer Fetishistic Curl of English History Past, Future, and Present" (Abstract)

12:30-1:45PM - Lunch
Faculty Lounge, Tawes 2115

2:00-3:30PM - Panel 3: Eastern Contacts Imagined and Real

Moderator: Elizabeth Bearden (University of Maryland)

∙ Amy Merritt (University of Maryland) "The Imagined Presence of Women in Conversion Plays: A Comparison of Travel Narratives and Dramatic Representations of the East" (Abstract)

∙ Cooper Childers (Marshall University) "Orientalism and Ecclesiastical National History in Chaucer's "Man of Law's Tale" (Abstract)

∙ Ashley Denham Busse (The George Washington University) "(Un)Veiling the Muslim Woman: Pleasures of Fetishistic Fantasy in Early Modern Travel Narratives" (Abstract)

∙ Beth Sutherland (University of Virginia) "Infinite Deferral and Endless Adventure: Mandeville’s Travels Down the Via Negativa" (Abstract)

3:45-4:45PM - Panel 4: Mediterranean Material Culture and Art

Moderator: Louise Martinez (University of Maryland)

∙ Natalie Harris (Pennsylvania State University) "Always Like Itself: hybridity in Venetian Art as a symptom of and solution to cultural anxiety" (Abstract)

∙ Adam Jasienski (Harvard University) "Imported, Imitated, Imagined Poland’s Fascination with the Mediterranean, 1500-1750" (Abstract)

5:00-6:00PM - Keynote Lecture

Bruce Holsinger, Professor of English and Music, University of Virginia
"Medievalization Theory"

6:00PM - Reception
Faculty Lounge, Tawes 2115

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